My name is Lucas Cordeiro da Silva, i'm 27 years old and i like technology and how things work. I have a degree in Computer Science from Universidade Federal Fluminense and due to the title i can be a Front end Scientist - who works with engineering - and not an engineer. In my free time I like to work on my android apps, i love my hobby, i have it as a laboratory for experiments, where i can use things like push notification, materialize css, ionic components, ngrx, redux, firebase, reactive programming, vanilla js, react, angular..., so i can analyze performance, a little algorithm complexity, ui complexity as unnecessary rendering ..., and yes, this is my amusement park to learn more and more.
I work specifically on two products, one internal and the other external. The internal product is made in react and takes care of the entire banking area. And for that, we need to maintain an architecture that serves us, based on the separation of concerns, as well as cache analysis, prevention of unnecessary rendering, global state of the application, etc. The other product can be an external product that involves the security of the user's identity, involving things like consent, two-factor authentication, user sessions, much like Google Accounts. In summary, the user can manipulates his identity account.